
Nro. de oferta US230921163843
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Características y detalles

2021 Ritter 6"x132" Edgesander (made in USA) with 3hp motor. Machine is 3 phase 240V 20A breaker. It is a double sided machine with tilt-able work tables. At one end there is a 3x3 drum. Two 4" dust hoods. The footprint is about 78x30x48 tall with a weight about 700 lbs.

Machine has only been used a couple times and guessing 20 hours or less. there have only ever been two belts on the machine. There are two used belts and 4 new ones included. We bought it while we were still making our own cabinet doors and doing inset style cabinets but decided to start buying them from other shops and stop doing inset doors and focus on frameless cabinets. So we just don't have a use for it anymore and it has been sitting for over a year at least.

Watch video to see machine under power

Made in USA, heavy duty, and like new.

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Oferta particular
North Carolina/Haywood
Estados Unidos